
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Stranger in a Strange Land: Moving from Toronto’s Hospital Row to PEI
The healthcare systems in downtown Toronto versus PEI could not be further apart. In May 2021 Dr. Gardam left academia to take on the role of CEO of the PEI provincial health authority, with the intent of trying to bring complexity science-based approaches to reforming Canada’s smallest provincial healthcare system, all while still in the grip of a pandemic. Working in a small system has laid bare the acute challenges facing Canadian healthcare, and has required Dr. Gardam to dig into fundamental issues that must be addressed if PEI is going to pull their system back from the brink. Join Dr. Gardam as he discusses these challenges and how Heath PEI is attempting to fix historic barriers to improvement.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Engaging Patient Stakeholders
Patient-oriented research partnerships require adequate planning, support, and funding to mobilize knowledge and accelerate impact. The following conversations, along with the Healthcare Quarterly Special Issue outline three themes that were critical for the Engaging Multi-stakeholders for Patient Oriented-research Wider Effects and Reach (EMPOWER) teams to advance patient-oriented research in Ontario.
Annette McKinnon, Member of OSSU's Patient Partner Working Group. She developed an interest in patient-partnered research as part of her journey with rheumatoid arthritis.
Maureen Smith, Chair of OSSU's Patient Partner Working Group. Her interest in patient-partnered research stems from her diagnosis with a rare disease in childhood.
Anne Wojtak, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Quarterly; Lead, East Toronto Health Partners, Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Health Policy, Measurement and Evaluation University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Identifying and Encouraging Patient-Oriented Research Partnerships
Patient-oriented research partnerships require adequate planning, support, and funding to mobilize knowledge and accelerate impact. The following conversations, along with the Healthcare Quarterly Special Issue outline three themes that were critical for the Engaging Multi-stakeholders for Patient Oriented-research Wider Effects and Reach (EMPOWER) teams to advance patient-oriented research in Ontario.
Dr. Vasanthi Srinivasan, Executive Director, Ontario Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) SUPPORT Unit
Dr. Dean Fergusson, Scientific Lead, Ontario Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) SUPPORT Unit
Anne Wojtak, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Quarterly; Lead, East Toronto Health Partners, Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Health Policy, Measurement and Evaluation University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Engaging the Research Community
Patient-oriented research partnerships require adequate planning, support, and funding to mobilize knowledge and accelerate impact. The following conversations, along with the Healthcare Quarterly Special Issue outline three themes that were critical for the Engaging Multi-stakeholders for Patient Oriented-research Wider Effects and Reach (EMPOWER) teams to advance patient-oriented research in Ontario.
Kerry Kuluski, MWS, PhD, the Dr. Mathias Gysler research chair in Patient and Family Centred Care at the Institute for Better Health at Trillium Health Partners and associate professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto in Toronto, ON.
Anne Wojtak, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Quarterly; Lead, East Toronto Health Partners, Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Health Policy, Measurement and Evaluation University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
What strategies should Canadian healthcare leaders be considering when crafting their AI strategies to better benefit patients, providers, and payors? From shorter wait times to improved patient outcomes—A successful AI strategy must consider cultural, business, technological and ethical issues all while meeting a challenging climate of Canadian regulation and system complexity.
Topics will include:
- How to Be an AI Intrapreneur in Healthcare
- AI Applications in Canadian Healthcare Today
- Best Practices in Maintaining an AI Projecting in Healthcare
- The AI Skills Gap and How to Address It
Helia Mohammadi, Chief Data Scientist and Healthcare Lead for Quebec and Western Canada, Microsoft Canada
Mario Voltolina, Chief Technology Officer, Canada Health Infoway
Robert Greer, Program Manager, The Hospital for Sick Children
Sheela Agarwal, CMIO, Diagnostic Imaging and AI, Nuance Communications
Naveen Valluri, Principal Group Manager, Health AI, Microsoft
Mehdi Somji, Director, Innovation and Partnerships, Trillium Health Partners

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Toward a World Class Health Data System
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
In response to the health data challenges highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy (pCHDS) Expert Advisory Group (EAG)’s Third Report has made recommendations toward a world-class health data system.
Jeff Nesbitt, CEO, Canada Health Information Management Association
Dr. Ewan Affleck, Sr. Medical Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Dr. Kim McGrail, Scientific Director, Health Data Research Network of Canada
Dr. Vivek Goel, President, University of Waterloo
Moderated by: Dr. David Castle, Professor, University of Victoria
Moving Forward on a Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/programs/pan-canadian-health-data-strategy.html

Monday May 30, 2022
Digital Compassion: Do You Have a Choice?
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
A Longwoods Breakfast Series discussion.
Brian Hodges, Executive-Vice President Education and Chief Medical Officer, University Health Network
David Wiljer, Executive Director of Education/Technology & Innovation for UHN Digital
Gillian Strudwick, Chief Clinical Informatics Officer and Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Moderator: Will Falk, Executive in Residence at the Rotman School of Management
As leaders, how do you ensure compassionate healthcare in an increasingly digital world? Is it even possible? Listen to organizational leaders and digital experts to learn what you can do to enhance compassionate quality care for patients and staff as you move your organization forward in an increasingly digital system.

Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Shez Partovi, Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Royal Philips and Darran Fischer, Managing Director, Philips Canada
A Longwoods Breakfast Series event.
As we look to a post-pandemic world, healthcare industry leaders are asking themselves – how do we transform the technology we turned to in times of crisis into efficient, sustainable, secure solutions that drive quality, proactive care both within a hospital and in the community? Quality care delivered both within and beyond the hospital walls requires a range of foundational elements: informatics and data integration to deliver healthcare anywhere; interoperable, secure IT networks; and adoption of a cloud-based platform approach for flexibility and scalability. This session will discuss the need for a solid foundation on which new models of care delivery can be developed to provide connected, virtual, patient-centered care across the health continuum, bringing care closer to where patients are.

Monday May 09, 2022
Digitally Enabled Community Care Models
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Digitally enabled community care models facilitate hospital to home patient flow. The power of digital platforms to enhance community care. Showcasing three very different stories; virtual after hours patient support program, patient engagement and remote patient monitoring program, utilizing AI to support data driven decision making for the frail and elderly.
With: Judy Linton, Chief Nursing Executive, & Clinical Institutes and Quality Programs Executive Ontario Health (Clinical Institutes & Quality , David Pichora, President & CEO, Kingston Health, Larry Sylvestre, National Healthcare Leader, AWS Canada Public Sector, Elaine Meertens, Vice President, Cancer Programs at Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario and Moderator: André Picard, Health Columnist at The Globe and Mail

Monday May 02, 2022
‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’: Lessons Learned from a Pandemic
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’: Lessons Learned from a Pandemic with Dr. Kevin Smith, President and CEO, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario.
Kevin Smith will explore how the University Health Network responded to the biggest public health challenge in a century and the many lessons it revealed about healthcare.